
Apr 20, 2021

Controlling variable values

About Enums

This is the first of three posts that will each build on the previous post. Come back next week for the next one!

Edit - 05-May-2021 - The whole series is now live.

So what’s an enum?

A distinct type that has a set of named constants. An enumerator is a data type that has preset values (constants). When we set a variable to an enum value it will always be one of our predefined values

How do we create an Enum then?

we define an enum a bit like a hash table of values we want to work with, except there is no Name part, its just a set of values.

PS> enum Animals {

How do we reference an enum once we have created one?

You can reference an enumerator with [ and ]

PS> [Animals]


# does that look familiar?
PS> (get-date).dayofweek
PS> (get-date).dayofweek.gettype()


We can get a specific item from the enumerator with an index value

PS> [Animals].GetEnumName(2)


Using enums as values

Setting a variable to a value and setting a variable to an enum are similar in syntax but subtley different in what implications there are. The first results in a string variable type whereas the other results in a type that is our enum.

$var1 = 'fish'
[animals]$Var2 = [Animals]::Fish



How do these two variables compare?

PS> ($var1 -eq $var2)


We can very simply convert our Animals type variable into a string with its built-in ToString() method

PS> $var2.tostring()

Strange things happen when we add a second value to our [Animals] type variable though

PS> $var2 += [Animals]::tiger
PS> $var2

image width="80"

The value of our variable has become the sum of the enum object values (Fish is 2 and Tige is 3 in our original declaration of the enum. However, we cant get those values back out very simply. These lines simply return False.

PS> $var2 -eq 'fish'
PS> $var2 -eq 'tiger'


Trying other comparisons is similarly doomed

PS> $var2 -like 'tiger'
PS> $var2 -eq 'fish, tiger'
PS> $var2


The value, 5, is also useless to us as both 2+3 and 1+4 could be combinations of values that make up our current value of 5

If we want to work with more than one value in an enum then we need to declare it with the [Flags()] designation. Looking at the different attributes that a file can have, we could define an enum as follows

[Flags()] enum FileAttributes {
    Archive = 1
    Compressed = 2
    Device = 4
    Directory = 8
    Encrypted = 16
    Hidden = 32

Once that is done we could define $file1 as [FileAttribute].

[FileAttributes]$file1 = [FileAttributes]::Archive
[FileAttributes]$file1 +=[FileAttributes]::Compressed
[FileAttributes]$file1 +=  [FileAttributes]::Device

Having done this, we can see the attributes of our imaginary file with this line

"file1 attributes are: $file1"


Equally, we can use the sum of our selected attribute values to set our variable. Encrypted, Directory, and Device are 16 + 8 + 4 respectively, referencing our declaration above. This totals 28 so we can set our $file2 variable as follows

[FileAttributes]$file2 = [FileAttributes]28  
"file2 attributes are: $file2"


Further reading

about enum